A special theme section entitled "Acoustics in Marine Ecology" just published in the journal Marine Ecology Progress series is now available. This compliation of empirical and review papers includes an introduction and overview of the relevant issues, along with a call for new research paradigms and funding strategies, as well as manuscripts in three general subject areas: (1) the use of passive listening systems to measure and monitor marine ecosystems; (2) active acoustic technologies to explore habitat use and predator-prey behavior; and (3) impacts of anthropogenic sound on the marine environment. A weblink to the abstracts and contributed articles is given below.
Acoustics in marine ecology
Idea: Howard I. Browman
Coordination: Brandon Southall, Douglas Nowacek
Southall BL, Nowacek DP
INTRODUCTION: Acoustics in marine ecology: innovation in technology expands the use of sound in ocean science
MEPS 395:1-3 | Full text in pdf format
Hildebrand JA
Anthropogenic and natural sources of ambient noise in the ocean
MEPS 395:5-20 | Full text in pdf format
Van Parijs SM, Clark CW, Sousa-Lima RS, Parks SE, Rankin S, Risch D, Van Opzeeland IC
Management and research applications of real-time and archival passive acoustic sensors over varying temporal and spatial scales
MEPS 395:21-36 | Full text in pdf format
Stafford KM, Citta JJ, Moore SE, Daher MA, George JE
Environmental correlates of blue and fin whale call detections in the North Pacific Ocean from 1997 to 2002
MEPS 395:37-53 | Full text in pdf format
Johnson M, Aguilar de Soto N, Madsen PT
Studying the behaviour and sensory ecology of marine mammals using acoustic recording tags: a review
MEPS 395:55-73 | Full text in pdf format
Hazen EL, Friedlaender AS, Thompson MA, Ware CR, Weinrich MT, Halpin PN, Wiley DN
Fine-scale prey aggregations and foraging ecology of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae
MEPS 395:75-89 | Full text in pdf format
Friedlaender AS, Hazen EL, Nowacek DP, Halpin PN, Ware C, Weinrich MT, Hurst T, Wiley D
Diel changes in humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae feeding behavior in response to sand lance Ammodytes spp. behavior and distribution
MEPS 395:91-100 | Full text in pdf format
Sabarros PS, Ménard F, Lévénez JJ, Tew-Kai E, Ternon JF
Mesoscale eddies influence distribution and aggregation patterns of micronekton in the Mozambique Channel
MEPS 395:101-107 | Full text in pdf format
Kaartvedt S, Røstad A, Klevjer TA, Staby A
Use of bottom-mounted echo sounders in exploring behavior of mesopelagic fishes
MEPS 395:109-118 | Full text in pdf format
Benoit-Bird KJ, Dahood AD, Würsig B
Using active acoustics to compare lunar effects on predator-prey behavior in two marine mammal species
MEPS 395:119-135 | Full text in pdf format
Jagannathan S, Bertsatos I, Symonds D, Chen T, Nia HT, Jain AD, Andrews M, Gong Z, Nero R, Ngor L, Jech M, Godø OR, Lee S, Ratilal P, Makris N
Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (OAWRS) of marine ecosystems
MEPS 395:137-160 | Full text in pdf format
Jensen FH, Bejder L, Wahlberg M, Aguilar Soto N, Johnson M, Madsen PT,
Vessel noise effects on delphinid communication
MEPS 395:161-175 | Full text in pdf format
Bejder L, Samuels A, Whitehead H, Finn H, Allen S
Impact assessment research: use and misuse of habituation, sensitisation and tolerance in describing wildlife responses to anthropogenic stimuli
MEPS 395:177-185 | Full text in pdf format
Tyack P
Acoustic playback experiments to study behavioral responses of free-ranging marine animals to anthropogenic sound
MEPS 395:187-200 | Full text in pdf format
Clark CW, Ellison WT, Southall BL, Hatch L, Van Parijs SM, Frankel A, Ponirakis D
Acoustic masking in marine ecosystems: intuitions, analysis, and implication
MEPS 395:201-222 | Full text in pdf format
Hatch LT, Fristrup KM
No barrier at the boundaries: implementing regional frameworks for noise management in protected natural areas
MEPS 395:223-244 | Full text in pdf format
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